Monday, September 16, 2013

Pauline Wiltshire, a former stripper and drug dealer, leaving Brooklyn Federal Court after being sentenced to 90 days in jail

Pauline Wiltshire, a former stripper and drug dealer, leaving Brooklyn Federal Court after being sentenced to 90 days in jail 

THE STRIPPER ex-girlfriend of a Methodist Hospital doctor convicted of peddling amphetamines was sentenced Monday to 90 days in jail in support of failing to enlighten her probation police officer with the intention of she had returned to working as a pole singer.

Pauline Wiltshire, 33, had been an element of a drug-dealing crew based by the side of the Park Slope infirmary led by her boyfriend Dr. Michael Hosny Gabriel.

Wiltshire and Gabriel, who soon cooperated with the feds, were both sentenced to thumbs down the jail count in support of pushing Adderall pills on Craigslist. But Wiltshire was immovable working as an exotic singer under the nickname "Lexus" by the side of the "Platinum Plus" strip establishment in Lexington, Kentucky.

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